by Mary Jane Younkin

Entry F464 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

Mary Jane Cotant was born eight miles
northwest of Mullen at her parents, Harvey
and Elva Cotant's home on the "Willis
Ranch" on 1945. She is next to
the youngest of eight children. Mary Jane was
lucky her Dad and Anne Sullivan were there
when she was born because she was born
before Doc Walker and Nurse Jessie Phipps
got there. She is a "Doc Walker Baby".

Mary Jane attended all thirteen years of
her schooling in the Mullen Schools graduat-
ing on May 14, 1963. She participated in
various activities while in school: volleyball,
music, pepclub, FHA, class plays, etc. She
babysit, worked at the drive inn and at the
Mullen Baker after school and for two

Mary Jane along with her five brothers:
Harold, Willis, Garry, doug, and Mick and
her two sisters Shirley Shears, and Vonnie
Barr are all graduates of the Mullen High

After graduating she worked at the Mullen
Bowling Alley, Rush Creek Ranch south of
Whitman, TRW Capacitors in Ogallala, and
Mathews Chevrolet Co. Inc.

She worked at Mathews as bookkeeper up
to the time of her marriage to Leroy Don
Younkin on June 18, 1967 at the Methodist
Church in Mullen.

Don was born 1939 on the Doc
Walker Ranch north of Seneca to George and
Rana (Dalton) Younkin. Geo and Ran now
own a ranch 48 miles NW of Mullen in Cherry
County where Don grew up. Mullen has been
their address and home town and do own a
home there now.

Don went to grade school at Cherry County
District 131 and 83. He graduated from
UNSA at Curtis, NE. in 1956. He worked for
his Dad and spent time in the US Army from
April 1963 to April 1965 while seventeen of
these months were spent in France. He
enjoyed rodeoing, team roping and now
participates in team penning.

Don is next to the oldest in a family of four
boys and four girls consisting of Geo, Jr., Don,
Ruby Folk, Judy Most, Clyde, Linds Soder-
berg, Charles, and Juanita Zimmerman.
Linda, Charles, and Juanita are graduates of
Mullen High.

After Don and Mary Jane were married
they lived at the Younkin Ranch from June
'67 through October '71. On November 1st,
1971 they leased the "Red Ranch" two miles
east of Seneca and are still living there and
ranching. Don is also a Moorman's Feed
Salesman. He worked at Thedford and
Ericson Sale Barns and in 1986 was co-
operator of Thedford barn.

Two sons and two daughters were born to
Don and Mary Jane: Michael Todd,
1968; Kevin Roy, 1971, Crystal
Dawn, 1973, and on 1983,
Maria Lynn made her appearance.

All kids have or are attending Mullen
schools. Todd graduated valedictorian on
May 17, 1986 and is the first Mullen High
graduate to receive an appointment to the
United States Air Force Academy at Colo-
rado Springs, CO. On July 1, 1986, Todd left
to attend USAF Academy where he is now a
Third Classman and majoring in Mechanical

The kids participates in sports, plays,
school activities, 4-H, scouts, and what ever
else kids do. Presently Kevin is a Junior,
Crystal an eighth grader and Maria is a
kindergartener planning to graduate in 2000.

Don is a member of the Mullen School
Board. The family attends the United
Church of Christ Church in Seneca. Don and
Mary Jane are both 1st Responders and
belong to the Seneca Quick Response Team.