by Bert Dent

Entry B48 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

Mullen Standard Station - 1984

The Mullen Standard Station was built
sometime in 1955 by J.H. Helvie of Hyannis,
NE. The Station is located on land purchased
from the Catholic Church.

Bill Pearson, son of Fritz and Myrtle
Pearson, was the first operator of the station.
Bill operated the station for about 2 years
after which Almond Elliott leased it from Mr.
Helvie. Donald Pearson managed the station
for Almond until late spring of 1958.

In Oct. 1958 Bert and Ruby Dent, daughter
Susan and son Randy moved to Mullen from
Hyannis, NE. to assume the management of
the station for Mr. Helvie. The Dents contin-
ued to manage it until Aug. 1, 1976 at which
time Mr. Helvie sold it to Bert and Ruby Dent
and they renamed it "Bert's Standard".

The Dents operated it until April 1, 1984
when it was sold to Gordon and Goldie
Hansen who are still the owners.