by Joellen Phillips

Entry F336 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

Lynn and Joellen Phillips, 1987.

Lynn Eugene Phillips, the youngest child
of Clarence Albert and Jessica N. Brott
Phillips was born in the home of his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brott in
Mullen, Nebr. on 1933. The first
two years of his life were spent on his
grandparent's (Mr. & Mrs. Frank Phillips)
homestead about 30 miles north of Whitman,
NE. in southern Cherry County. In 1936 the
Phillips family moved to a ranch 13 miles
northeast of Mullen, and Lynn spent the
remaining years of his childhood here. He
rode his pony 2 1/2 miles to attend the Virginia
School, with the exception of the 3rd and 5th
grades, when no school was held. In these two
years he took schooling by correspondence
under the supervision of his mother. The
family moved to Alliance, NE the year Lynn
was in the 8th grade, and he graduated from
the Alliance Grade School. His first semester
of high school he lived with his sister and
attended Blair High School, then the family
moved back to the ranch north of Mullen, and
he spent the next 3 1/2 years in the Mullen
High School, and graduated in May 1951.

Joellen Ann Loudon was the third of four
children born to David Roy and Elma Fern
Allen Loudon. She was born at the home of
her aunt Bessie Voth in Thedford, NE. on
1934. She grew up on her
grandfather's (David Boggs Loudon) home-
stead 17 miles northeast of Thedford in
southern Cherry County, NE. She attended
the Calf Creek School, walking the 1 1/2 miles
to school, and graduated from the 8th grade.
Joellen boarded in Thedford for the four
years of high school, and graduated from the
Thomas County High School in May 1951.

Lynn Phillips and Joellen Loudon were
married at the Methodist Church in Mullen,
NE on March 23, 1951 and with the exception
of six months spent in Arkansas have lived
in the Mullen area all their married lives.

The first years of marriage, the couple lived
on his father's ranch and engaged in ranch-
ing. In 1958 they purchased an auto body
shop from Pete Schoene in Mullen, and
operated a general auto repair, body repair
and farm implement dealership until 1972
when they sold the business to Milander
Motors. They returned to the ranching
business with the purchase of Clarence
Phillipses cattle in 1971 and the ranch in

Joellen Phillips entered the employment of
the federal government as a part time postal
clerk at the Mullen Post Office in Sept. 1966
and is still employed there.

Seven children were born to this union, five
of which grew to adulthood and all graduated
from the Mullen High School. Rosalee at-
tended one year of Chadron State College and
is now Mrs. Wayne Crofutt and lives at
Keystone, NE. She has two children, Walter
and Joellen. Lyle attended one year at
Chadron College and married Twila Kriz of
Crawford, NE. They have three children -
Casey, Carrie and Kyle. Leonard married
Alisa Bullington and they have three children
- Melissa, Denise and Michael. Joyce gradu-
ated from Chadron State College with a
Bachelor degree in Biology in May, 1980. She
is married to Bob Hardy, lives in Chadron,
and has two children -Johannah and James.
Barbara graduated from Chadron College in
May, 1983 and is currently employed as
bookkeeper at the Mullen Co-op and living
at home. Both the boys live on the home