by Frances Jane Blackburn

Entry F68 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

Jack was born in Mullen, Nebraska, June
24, 1913, the youngest child of Edmun Enoch
and Jennie Catron. He attended Mullen
schools and the Agricultural School in Curtis,

In 1937 he went to California with his
mother, brother and sister, but soon returned
to Nebraska to buy a ranch south of Seneca.
His mother returned to help him get stared
in ranching.

In 1942 he received a letter ordering him
to report for induction into the Army. Not
knowing what to do about his ranch, he
decided to sell. He was assigned to the Army's
88th Division, the first group of Selective
Service inductees to be sent overseas. He was
with the Army through the capture of Rome
and on to Florence where he became ill, was
discharged and sent home. After a trip to
California to visit his sister and nieces he
returned to Nebraska where he became
employed with Union Pacific Railroad Com-
pany in North Platte, the company from
which he is retired.

He married Lessie Phelps of Douglas,
Nebraska. Lessie passed away in 1976. Jack
still makes his home in North Platte.