GOOD WILL CLUB 1934-1987

by Good Will Club of Mullen

Entry T41 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

Mrs. W. L. Goggin, president of Tri-County
Woman's Welfare Federated Clubs and her
assistants, Mrs. Art Jacobson, Mrs. Sherman
Keith, and Mrs. Ray Ridenour, met at the
home of Mrs. Carolina French to organize
this club. This particular day was the worst
windiest and sandiest of the year, November
15, 1934. The officers elected were Lelah
Barnebey, President; Sarah Ginkens, Vice-
president; and Georgia Baldwin as club
reporter. The members voted the name Good
Will Club to be adopted. Meetings to be held
the first Thursday of every month. Four
members besides the officers were enrolled at
this meeting. The year's end showed a
membership of 25 as follows: Caroline
French, Lelah Barnebey, Sara Ginkens,
Bernadette French, Edythe Machlan, Alice
Ginkens, Minnie Meidell, Esther French,
Claudia Machlan, Doris Webber, Nelle N.
Satter, Elva Webber, Leona Webber, Artie
Haines, Maude Monroe, Maude Meidell,
Lena Wiggins, Julie Kyser, Brownie Thorn-
ton, Mary Ward, Georgia Baldwin, Mabel
Baldwin, Laura Decker, Pearl Westman and
Leigh Maire.

Our report of accomplishments showed one
comforter sent to a flood victim family. No
dues were collected but nickel marches and
bazaars were held which kept the club in
postage and other small items. (The year
finished with 27 cents in their kitty.) Each
member was remembered with a birthday.
Mrs. Goggin, our club mother and honorary
member donated our club a pair of pillow-
cases at Christmas to be sold. Mrs. Edythe
Machlan purchased the handmade fancy

In the year 1935-36, a separate club was
organized for project work in April, with the
same members and some new ones. At the
end of that year there were 23 resident and
7 associate members and 30 cents on hand.

In November 1936, we voted to combine
with the Sunflower Project Club and then
later voted to retain the original name of
Good Will Club. Wild Rose was the club
flower and pink and green the club colors.
Sara Ginkens and Bernadette French were
the first project leaders. A third prize of $13
was granted the club at their first exhibit in
September. Pearl James and Ruth Stoughton
gave reports of the State Project convention
at the home of Sara Ginkens. Balance on
hand at the end of the year was 3 cents.
(Remember this was during the great depres-
sion years.)

The years 1937 and 1938 brought the club
their first place prize of ten dollars at the
Hooker County 4-H fall fair.

Caroline French and Sara Ginkens had
perfect attendance the first two years of the
Good Will Club meetings.

Many accomplishments and good deeds
were performed down through the many
years of service. There was sadness when we
lost a member through death or they moved
to another locality. We always welcomed new
members and visitors through the years.

October 31, 1987, the Achievement Day for
clubs of Mullen and the west District was
held at Hyannis, Nebraska. 50 years pins
were given to honor long standing members
of the clubs. Sara Ginkens and Mabel
Baldwin were presented with 50 years pins.
Sara is the only active continuous member of
the original Good Will Club and Mabel
Baldwin, an inactive member of Wyoming,
who still sends her dues. A number of other
members received their 25 year pins of
membership. This presentation ended a very
pleasant and successful Achievement Day.