by Kathy Hassett

Entry T57 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

Awarding the yard of the month certificates. L-R:
Gerald and Esther French, Bill and Betty Macke,
and Chairperson Mabell Cox.

The Community Improvement Committee
was organized in 1978 by John Sautter. The
committee consisted of a representative from
organizations in the Mullen community. The
purpose of the committee was to coordinate
all the different activities of each organiza-
tion in town for the betterment of the whole

Many community improvements were
completed including: Community Clean-up
Projects, Yard of the Month awards, sidewalk
planters, a housing center for the elderly,
improvements to the rodeo grounds, ETV
improvements, litter containers at the parks,
community surveys, dentist and doctor re-
cruitment and many other projects.

The Community Improvement Committee
entered the Nebraska Community Improv-
ement Program in 1979 and 1980. The money
that we won was used to make 2 picnic tables
which were placed at the pool park; bought
paint for the fire hydrants which were
painted by school art students; students also
painted a mural on the building of Big Lil's
wall that shows a sandhill scene; bought flags
and brackets to be placed on the light poles
going through town. They are displayed
during holidays and special celebrations in
Mullen. Several businesses also donated
money for the flags so that we have a nice

The community now has a Meals-On-
Wheels program. The four different churches
in the community have volunteers that
deliver the meals daily.

Although the Community Improvements
Committee has not been actively meeting the
past couple of years, the projects of the
organizations have been an on-going process.