by Wanda Smith

Entry T77 from the History of Hooker County Nebraska
with permission of the Hooker County Historical Society

Mullen Swimming Pool 1987

             Village Of Mullen

In 1966 the Village and community of
Mullen, Nebraska started the wheels rolling
to build a Swimming Pool. It was finished in
1968 with the exception of the wading pool
which was added about 1970. The pool does
not make any money for the Village but it is
great for the kids as well as the adults. The
Village has a nice park adjoining the pool on
the west and north. The J.C.'s, Mrs. J.C.'s,
Service Club, Commercial Club, 4-H Clubs
and Community Improvement have furnish-
ed playground equipment, tables, sunshades,
trash barrels and a lot of work to keep it nice.
Bob and Jean Bragg planted two trees in the
park as a memorial to their son Matt, in the
summer of 1986 and are now in the process
of trying to get a Burlington Northern
Caboose to put in it.